+91-22-61277474 / 61277475 ssjco@ssjco.in

About Us

Journey in profession began in 1983. It was formalized as firm during the year 1991. S S Jhunjhunwala and Co. has established as a professional services firm offering a variety of value-added services and consistently delivering authentic, simple solutions relevant to our clients' complex challenges.

Apart from our people, our greatest assets are the relationships we have nurtured. These are based on our understanding of clients’ businesses and their objectives. Our focused approach rests on a foundation of wisdom and a passion for excellence.

What does a client need today

  • Regulatory Compliance and reporting
  • Planning within the prevailing regulatory framework.
  • Updation /information on latest developments in applicable rules and regulations.


Mission of the firm is to provide value added professional services to all individuals, industries, intermediaries and service organizations [including non-profit organizations] using personal, professional and technological skills in such a manner that can improvise the efficiency and self reliance of the organization and earn goodwill for the firm. Our strategy is to work in tandem with the clients and in turn build the relationship by adding value to their organization
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